Thank you to everyone able to make it out on Monday night. We had another great discussion for this second meeting of the YA² Book Club (woohoo!), weighing in on the pros and cons of the polarizing Grasshopper Jungle. Along with talk of chickens and travel, we shared a few books that have rocked our world lately:

Since our next meeting will be in October, we voted on YA horror. The votes were SO CLOSE yet again, but Croak by Gina Damico came out on top. We’ll be meeting at Olympia Kebob House & Taverna in Richmond Heights on October 17th, 7 p.m. Again, registration isn’t required, but it is encouraged so we know how many seats to reserve.


YA² is a book club for adults who like to read Young Adult books! We meet once every three months at a bar or restaurant (the library will buy the snacks!) to discuss a YA book. At the end of each meeting, we vote on the book we’ll read for the next meeting.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lindsay at 314-963-8649 or