Starting in May, we will start meeting regularly from 6:30-7:30 pm on the second Tuesday of the month.This is in order to accommodate the changing hours of the library. We will be open from Monday-Thursday from 9am-8pm, Friday 9-6pm, Saturday 9-5pm and Sundays 1-5pm. By ending the discussion at 7:30, this should give you time to finish your library transactions before we close for the evening.
In April, seven of us met to discuss Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. If you are looking for impeccable storytelling, a gripping survival tale and a chapter out of American history, look no further. Anyone who can make the workings of a B-24 bomber interesting to me deserves a gold star. Even though it was difficult to read at times, the pilot in this story lived through some horrendous events, it was ultimately an uplifting and fascinating account.