March 2, 2021 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm

The library board meets monthly on the first Tuesday of the month. Because of public safety and the threat of COVID-19, we will be live streaming the meeting on YouTube:

If you would like to comment before the meeting, please utilize the Youtube comment page or email Gina Gibbons at ggibbons@bplmo.org or President Ed Wright at ewright@bplmo.org

This is a public meeting and all are welcome to attend.

I. Call to order-roll call for quorum
II. Acceptance of the agenda
III. Minutes of the February, 2021 meeting
IV. Reading of public comments from visitors (limited to 3 minutes or time allotted by board president)
V. Aldermanic report
VI. Library director’s report
VII. Old business:
–2021 Budget-adjust for utilities, etc.
–Goal subcommittees–reports if appropriate
–Accounting-meeting with Bola and Jim
–Safety Plan
–Re-opening-reports on meeting with SLCL, SLPL, and SCCCL
–Facilities subcommittee
–Employee Handbook-vacation/sick
VIII. Treasurer’s report
–Budget adjustments
— Financial reports
IX. New business -none
X. Adjournment

Next meeting: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 at 6:30 p.m. on Zoom